We are so excited to share that we have secured an arbitrator! Based on their schedule, we will be holding our union election from Monday, February 12th through Thursday, February 15th.

Please note the days of the week and the voting periods have been adjusted to accommodate the arbitrator’s schedule and a more reasonable voting period.

Monday, February 12
11am-2pm: Miller Branch
4pm-7pm: Glenwood Branch

Tuesday, February 13
11am-2pm: East Columbia Branch
4pm-7pm: Central Branch

Wednesday, February 14
11am-2pm: Elkridge Branch
4pm-7pm: Savage Branch

Thursday, February 15
11am-2pm: Administrative Branch
Post 2pm: Vote Count

If an HCLS employee isn’t able to vote at their home branch during their branch’s scheduled voting hours, employees are able to vote at any branch during its voting hours. In addition, employees who need to vote at another branch besides their own will receive one hour of paid release time to vote, with employees at Glenwood receiving two hours of paid release time to vote at another branch.

If you haven’t had a chance to take an “I’m voting yes!” picture yet or sign a union card, now is the time! You can find our “I’m voting yes!” sign here.

If you’d like to sign a card or you want to send an “I’m voting yes!” photo, please reach out to hocolibraryworkersunited@gmail.com.

We will be hosting an information session on Sunday, January 28 at 8:00 PM to discuss election details and make voting plans together. Please email hocolibraryworkersunited@gmail.com if you’d like the Zoom link.